Saturday, March 22, 2014

ఓజస్ - OJAS


Oneness, Joy and Self realisation.

OJAS is a Sanskrit word means Energy/life force of the body and essential energy of the body.  It connects the mind to the body and consciousness.  When one's inner consciousness awakens, OJAS increases and gives higher states of consciousness,  purity, love, joy, realization, higher knowledge and ultimately you are one with the spirit.

But the question is how to increase our inner consciousness : the following three are essential ingrediants to increase our OJAS:

ONENESS:  to define oneness we have to go through Lord Krishna's words at Bhagavatgeeta

                      వి ధ్యా  వి న య సం ప న్నే  బ్రా హ్మ ణా  గ వి  హ స్తి నా
                       శ ని  చై క స్వ పా కే చ పం డి తా స మ ద ర్శి  నా

When  one  have equal vision on all human beings ie either an elephant, cow, a dog and a dog eater or a brahmin then   he  can see the Brahman(God) only, in this form of equal vision one  can experience the oneness in all,  inspite of differences in all beings, the essence of life pulsating in cow/elephant/man is one.
when one can experience this oneness he will see no difference between one human being and another and every one love equally all mankind.

JOY:- millions of people are searching for joy and happiness in their daily lives. The only solution is Meditation,  Through meditation you can get real happiness and profound joy and it leads to a selfless life in alignment with the Divine. In later pages you can learn the power of divine joy through meditation.

SELF REALIZATION:-  If one can attain oneness and joy self realization occurs.The mind alone is responsible for both bondage as well as realization.   First question for realization one impose for oneself is why I am depend on something not my self then realization starts.

Next meet on 31/03/2014 with UGADI Special.